"Registration Form" Page

On this page, if you want to have a registration form - you can set up questions for the form, that participants fill out during registration. In the form editor, you can add ready-made additional fields and create your own questions, make them mandatory or not, change the order and type of questions.

Interface of the Registration Form Page

Fields to inform the organizers

On the page "Form" there are three locked fields: "Name", "Surname", "Email".

These fields are locked to inform the organizers that there is no need to create new questions for collecting this data, as it is automatically collected during registration.

Additional questions

Additional question fields are created to make it easier for the organizer to finalize the registration form. You can make questions mandatory, change their wording and their order in the form.

Set of questions "Public information"

Set of questions is a group of ready-to-use questions that are linked together for convenience.

The question "Your role at the event" is of the type "Multiple choice". You can set as many roles as you want.

The question "How will you participate"

The question "How will you participate" adds an inscription about the type of participation to the participant's card, and also helps to find the participant in the search and in the list of participants on the Statistics page.

"Add Your Question" button

The button "Add your question" allows you to add your own question to the registration form. After adding a question, you can choose the question type, title, and additional parameters for the field.

Types of questions

There are several types of questions:

  • Text type is the most common question field.

  • Options to choose type is a question with answer options to choose from. Participants can only choose one answer.

  • Yes/No - a participant has to choose between two possible answers: Yes or No.

  • File - a participant has to upload the file to the platform.

  • Multiple choice - this question type is exactly like the "Options to choose” type. Participants can choose several options to choose from.

What can you do with questions?

When creating a registration form, you can change question types, wording of questions, place of questions in the form, and you can also delete questions.

Redirect after filling out the questionnaire

After participants complete filling out the form, you can redirect them to any page of the event or to the URL of a third-party resource.

The "Contest Files" section

This section was created so that the organizer can upload Event rules and Privacy Policy.

Example of creating a registration form

Let's create a registration form for our event. To do this, we will use the ready-to-use questions in the form editor and will add some of our own questions.

  • Go to the form editor and add all the additional questions from the "Additional fields" section.

  • Click on the "Add your question" button and add a question of each type: to do this, click on the question type icon next to the delete question icon and select the desired type. In our case, we will create one question of each type and will make them all mandatory. You can take the data from our example or create your own question (the best option):

    • Which banana tree would you like to code under?” , type “Text”;

    • Which prize would you prefer?” , type “Options to choose”, add options: “Money, more money, and nothing but money!”, “A year's supply of bananas is all I need!”, “I'm here just to check it out."

    • Would you like to work as a programmer in a banana factory?” , type "Yes/No”;

    • "Upload a photo of your favorite banana tree”, type "File”;

    • "Digitalize the banana industry because...?", type “Multiple choice”, we will add the following answer options: “That's cool!”, “I just love bananas”, "Digital bananas are a contribution to the future", “Simply because!”, “How did I get here?”;

    • In the field “Redirect after filling out the questionnaire” choose an item “About”, so that after filling out the form participants are redirected to the main page of the event.

    • We will skip the "Contest Files" field.

After you added and filled out all the questions in the form editor, click “Save”. If you want to view your questionnaire, then click on the button “View the form” in the pop-up window. If not, then click “Close”.

The registration form is ready! Now you will know even more information about your participants than you wanted to. Moving on to creating tasks!

Last updated

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