Quick Start
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This section provides a brief tutorial on how to quickly create an event. Each step of the process is accompanied by additional links to articles with a full description of features. Let's get started!
The section consists of modules that describe how to set up the event step-by-step. Thus you start setting up an event with the "How to Create an Event" module and end the process with the "How to Publish an Event" module.
After registering on the platform as an organizer, you will see the "My Events" page. On this page, click on the "Create Event" button and select a template. We will use a template with the "Hackathon" type.
Now let's start setting up our event. After creating an event, you will be automatically forwarded to the created event and the first thing you will see is event settings.
The “Main” tab consists of the main settings of the event.
Enter the name of your event in the "Title" field. Add a unique link to your event in the "URL" field.
Select the event type if you created it without a template, and assign tags to your event. Add the SEO description and upload the SEO image to make the link to your event look better on social media.
Do you want your event to be seen only by people you invite yourself? In order to do this, select the desired setting in the "Visibility" field. To make it easier for participants to find an event by location, select the appropriate value in the "Location" field.
Don't forget to fill in the "Prize" field! Set the start and end dates for the event and for the registration of participants.
An example of how to fill in the "Main" tab is presented here - An example of filling in the "Main" tab.
The "Other" tab includes other parameters to make your event more fine-tuned.
Enter in the fields "Max./Min. number of participants per team" the number to limit the number of team participants at your event.
Please note that the number in the field "Minimum number of participants per team" as opposed to the number in the field "Maximum number of participants per team" is informational in nature and does not affect the number of people in the team.
Consider whether you want to show the rating page to participants or not. In order to do this, select the desired value in the field "Publish rating".
The "Publish solutions" setting works only in events with the type "Competition of Projects". It is used to ensure that the solutions published by the participants are seen by the rest of the contest participants. We wouldn’t need it for the hackathon, so you should leave it disabled.
Enable the "Team moderation" setting if you need to moderate teams before allowing them to participate in the competition. The "Limit task selection" setting disables the selection of multiple tasks - each team can only select one task from the list.
Do you want to restrict the team from changing its composition and from changing the task whenever it wants? Enable the "Fix team settings" and after passing moderation, the team settings will be locked.
The "Show the number of registered participants" setting displays the number of participants on the main page of the event and on the event preview card in the list of all events.
Enable the "Allow registration by link to the team after registration closes" setting if you want to allow participants to invite other participants to join the team after registration ends.
Do you need additional confirmation that the participant will definitely participate in the contest? Enable the "Enable confirmation of participation" setting . Now you can send confirmation links to emails or via Telegram.
Enable the "Consider the time spent on the solution when forming the rating" setting, so that the rating takes into account the time participants spent on solving the problem.
The scores of the participants could be the same, but what if one of the participants solved the problem just a second earlier? With this setting enabled, he's a winner! The setting “Team chooses the type of participation” adds a field enabling teams to select the type of participation. This field in the team preview card is for informational purposes only.
An example of how to fill in the tab "Other". Now you are familiar with each setting of this tab and can choose what to enable and what to disable. Next tab - "Integration".
The “Integrations” tab allows you to connect Facebook pixels and vk.com, the Telegram bot and to request help with connecting to third-party services. If you don't require this connection, then just click “Next”.
Do you want to send bulk notifications to participants in Telegram? Activate the checkbox "Telegram bot". Now participants who have confirmed their Telegram accounts will receive notifications from the bot.
Edit the menu of your event in the "Menu" tab. Create a new menu item, change the order of items, delete unnecessary ones, or hide them from participants. For example, you can add an item with a link to any URL.
In the "Actions" tab you will see the button to delete the event. If you are not planning to do this, then skip this tab. So, we went through all the tabs and set up the event. Click on "Save" button to save the event settings.
After setting up the event, you need to upload the event banner. Go to event editing mode and click on the demo banner next to the event name. Select a file, cut out what you don't need, and upload it to the platform.
It's time to fill in the pages with information about the event . There are only three of them here: "About", "Rules" and "FAQ".
The "About" and "Rules" pages are identical. Both pages provide a functional text editor that will satisfy even the most demanding user. So, paste and format your text, upload images and videos for participants. Do whatever your heart desires (within reason of course)!
After editing the text, click "Save" to apply the changes.
Note that you can choose the items in the event menu yourself and, if you want, then the menu items and the "About" and "Rules" pages will not be displayed.
The “FAQ” page is to answer frequently asked questions from users. Go to the "FAQ" page and click on the "Add a question" button. Enter your questions and answers and post them. Everything you wanted to know about the “FAQ” page, but were afraid to ask, can be found at the link below.
The next step is to create a registration form!
The registration form is designed to collect information about the contest participants that is of interest to you. For example, it is very convenient for finding out the size of a participant's clothing, so that you don't screw up when giving out a prize.
Go to the “Form" page and select additional ready-made fields from the list.
Please note that the fields "Name", "Surname", "Email" you don’t need to create, because this information is automatically collected during registration.
You can add your own fields to the registration form. Click on "Add your question" and select the appropriate question type. Fill in the question field and select the answer options, if any.
You can drag and drop questions, delete them, and change the type of question you've already created. All settings are located inside the question preview card.
If you need to redirect participants to a certain page of the contest after they complete filling out the registration form, then select the appropriate option in the block "Redirect after filling out the questionnaire”
You can upload the required policies and notifications to the Contest Files section. Links to them will appear when a participant is registered for the contest.
One of the most important tasks of the organizer is to create tasks for participants.
Attention! Here you will find brief information on creating tasks. Please refer to the relevant section of the documentation for the most comprehensive description of this feature.
A demo task will be created automatically on the Tasks page. Click on "Edit". Set up the task: enter a name, set the opening and closing times for the task, and add experts and meeting intervals.
Now you need to add questions to the task. There are several types of questions: Test, Text, File, Video Pitching, Live Coding, GitLab. Add the appropriate question types and set them up.
Save the task after adding the questions.
The next step is to create voting!
Go to the "Voting" page. There are three tabs on the page: Juries, Criteria, and Voting.
The "Juries" tab is for adding and managing jury members. Go inside the tab and click "Add jury". Enter the required information and save it.
Next to each jury member you will see the icons that will help you to manage them. You can edit the information about the jury member, send an invitation to vote, delete the jury member, and clear the vote.
The next step is to create criteria for task assessment. Go to the "Criteria" tab and click on the "Add group" button. Enter the name of the criteria group and start creating criteria within the group. Don't forget to specify the maximum number of scores for each criterion.
Enable the "Request a comment on assessment" setting, if you want the jury members to leave comments on their assessments.
After creating the criteria, click "Save Criteria". You can change the criteria settings at any time.
Let's start setting up voting! Go to the "Voting" tab and click on the "Create voting” button.
How to set up voting: set the start and end dates of voting, add a jury member and attach criteria to them, add teams.
After completing the setup of voting, click "Update". Go to the "Juries" and send the jury members invitations to vote (airplane icon).
Voting is ready! Make sure to read the voting example below:
It's time to show your event to the world! Click on the "Publishing" button and wait for moderation. Moderation takes little time! You will receive a notification email to the email address you specified during registration.
How to publish an event If you have any problems with publishing the event, please contact us at support@codenrock.com.